Sunday, August 26, 2007

A return to normal

What ever that is.....

After the last three weeks of DH being on leave in anticipation for a deployment that now is not happening, visiting family and spending time together here at home starting tomorrow I will be spending the better part of next week setting up a new routine and cleaning up this house. If I spend an hour in each area of the house everyday we should be golden by the weekend. I did not get anything done last week due to the work that DH was doing on the house but it was so worth it to get the projects that have been sitting done with.

I also have to sit down and finalize our budget. Since we will not be getting the extra pay and tax benefits we thought we would we are doing some major cutting back for a couple of months to see where we can get as far as financial goals. We would love to buy a piece of land and or a house near our parents to stay in when we go home to visit but we have a few other things to square away first, along with hoping to get orders overseas and needing to make sure we can afford to take our pets with us. We sat down the week and made a plan I just have to make the arrangements to finalize it, and take the time to write it out so that if DH has to take care of things he knows what to do.

I also want to start my household notebook this week. I have had one before but it got very outdated and/or complicated. It's time to get back in the groove.


Mrs. Anna T said...

Do you have a home-management binder? I have one and it's been *so* helpful. I keep there my routine list, my grocery shopping list, coupons, recipes I want to try, even little packages of seeds I need to plant! So handy, and prevents a good bit of mess, clutter and confusion.

Mary Jo said...

No I do not at the moment. Well, not one that I could use. I had one for a while but then got away from it. That is my goal for next month, to get it put back togther and working.

Michelle-ozark crafter said...

Oh my lots to do! Best of luck!