Wednesday, February 10, 2010

House Tour Part 2, The Master Bedroom

I like to decorate, one of my favorite things about being a military family is that I get to move into new houses all the time and decorate them, we have lived in some that I just could not do much with but most I have been pretty happy about.

For this room you will have to use your imagination some (well you will in most rooms as I do not have them *just right* and probably never will LOL). This room is lacking a headboard which I intend to make soon, a mirror that I just ordered and art work, in other words the walls are a little bland.
So this is the view from the foot of the bed. This room is small for a master bedroom, at least by American standards, it's about 10x11 feet, this is a king size bed, there is literally just enough room for our bed a table on either side a large wardrobe and a small table all of which you will see latter. Like I said we are lacking a head board, I'm going to make a padded head board as soon as I can get downtown and buy the plywood and foam for it. I have an iridescent taffeta in brown that will go great with this set.
To the left of the bed, my jewelry cabinet makes a small bed side table, just the right size.
To the right of the bed, this is a wash stand I got from someone who was selling off extra stuff.
The main clothes storage area, I have the drawers and the double door of the wardrobe, Justin has the single door and the rolly carts.
This is my dressing table, the mirror I ordered is going above this, you can also see out the door down the hall that leads to the kitchen. The curtain is covering a french door that leads out to the patio/courtyard

Thats the master bedroom.


Nicki said...

CUTE room Mary......loved the cat on the bed ;o)
I love you showing us your house.....

Katie said...

I Love your bedding, what a cute room!

Sue Whitson said...

Thanks! Next best thing to being there myself!

Love, Mom

Mary Jo said...

Oh shoot, I was going to say something about my decorating challenged mother not liking that I live so far away and can't help with her decorating ;)